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Metsä (Forest)

Well-being from the Finnish nature: Metsä (Forest) clothes and accessories contain beneficial forest microbes

Discover the power of diverse, safe, and beneficial natural microbes found in the Re-Connecting Nature® forest extract, which can educate and support our immune defenses. As the first company in the world, Ruskovilla has managed to add Re-Connecting Nature® forest extract to its clothes and accessories. This is why we call them Metsä, which the Finnish word for Forest.

Many scientific studies show that regular exposure to nature is necessary for the immune system to function normally. Early exposure to nature's rich biodiversity is also connected to lower levels of autoimmune diseases such as allergy, asthma and type 1 diabetes. Re-Connecting Nature® extract contains safe, diverse and beneficial microbes from natural environments such as forests.

Wear Metsä clothes and accessories and enjoy the benefits of nature where ever you are.

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Children and adults wearing Ruskovilla's Metsä (Forest) Re-Connecting Nature shirts and tube scarfs

Metsä ♥ Re-Connecting Nature®

Studies show that regular exposure to nature is necessary for the immune system to function normally. Early exposure to nature's rich biodiversity is also connected to lower levels of autoimmune diseases such as allergy, asthma and type 1 diabetes. Re-Connecting Nature® extract contains safe, diverse and beneficial microbes from natural environments such as forests.

As the first company in the world, Ruskovilla has managed to add Re-Connecting Nature® forest extract to its clothes and accessories. This is why we call them Metsä, which the Finnish word for Forest.

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